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UX/UI Research Services

End-to-end Journey Mapping

The use of structured tools provides a systematic approach to understanding user behaviours, enhancing user-centred design, and optimising digital products and services.

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What is end-to-end journey mapping?

End-to-end journey mapping is an approach that holistically addresses a user’s interaction with a product or service. Used individually or as part of this methodology, it integrates multiple frameworks that provide a structured approach to understanding your users and their behaviour, like the creation of user personas, a journey framework, and information architecture.

How a journey is mapped


A user persona is a detailed and semi-fictional representation of an ideal user of your product or website. It encapsulates demographic information, behaviours and pain points of your target audience. They provide a clear, user-centred focus when tailoring a user interface design, custom website, its content, and functionality; and serve as a reference point throughout the design and development phase of a project.

Journey framework

A journey framework is a strategic UX design process that involves mapping out the user’s entire experience with a product or service. It can encompass multiple touch points and interactions, from initial discovery to post-interaction follow-up. Furthermore, it can compliment the use of user personas by aligning the journey with the specific needs and characteristics of each persona.

Information architecture (IA)

Information architecture refers to the structural organisation and arrangement of content within a website or digital platform. It serves as the blueprint for how information is categorised, labeled, and presented to users, ensuring they can find what they need easily. The IA can be fine-tuned based on insights gained from user personas and the journey framework, ensuring it aligns with the needs of different user segments.

Why us

Your partner in journey mapping


Our journey mapping employs research-backed methodologies tailored to your user experience and design goals.

Transparent results

Receive clear and comprehensive results for any type of design framework used.

Data-driven insights

Our approach leverages available quantitative and qualitative data, providing you with data-driven insights to shape your strategies.


Our approach offers flexibility to adapt to your business’ needs. Whether you require a comprehensive approach using multiple frameworks, or prefer to focus on specific aspects, we can scale the service up or down accordingly.

Actionable framework

We provide you with a structured list of actionable next steps, ensuring that the insights gathered translate directly into improvements for your project.


Our research services are designed to be accessible to businesses of all sizes, offering cost-effective options that make journey mapping available to everyone, not just large corporations.

Need help?


Can you help with specific frameworks, or is it an all-or-nothing service?
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Can I use insights from end-to-end journey mapping to improve my existing product or service?
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What can I expect collaborating with you to conduct end-to-end journey mapping?
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